Quote Originally Posted by killacam View Post
This is a hash website only, any talk of glass is strictly prohibited. Please get your facts straight before posting here. Talk of glass is NOT allowed. What kind of site do you think this is? Grasscity? Tokecity?
yeah your a fuckin idiot man. Stop making embarrassing posts in every thread lol.Any talk of glass is strictly prohibited?..... I think this man is on crack. You get your facts straight. SELLING and BUYING glass is not allowed here... This is a hash site.... Which includes smoking hash... Which includes different types of ways to smoke it... Which INLCUDES glass.... Hence the "glass flow" section lol. Way to moderate poorly Bubbleman and FMB post pictures of glass all the time. Including threads that give the updates on Roor and Natedizzle. Glass is alllowed here... Retards, not so much.