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Powertripping mod. Banned by cremejeans
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Thread: Powertripping mod. Banned by cremejeans

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Question Powertripping mod. Banned by cremejeans

    Bubbleman and FMB,

    First let me thank the both of you for having this site up where I can go when CC chat goes down. It's nice to have a backup plan. That being said...

    I don't understand why a mod wants to cam me when he's not running his own cam. I came in here to socialize with my CC friends and greenjeans wants to watch but not show.... that's lame, and since he's a mod I can't shut off his cam.

    1st I asked him to please stop camming me. What I had to say to per was none of his business in the first place, and since I don't know him/her I'd just assume not have them listening in to our conversation. It's just wierd I mean, if you guys went to a smokeout chat room, would you want people evesdropping on you without your knowing who the hell they are? You guys ever say "no cam no view"? You ever use your privacy settings in CC? Don't all of our mods have cams up unless at work? Today's Sunday btw.

    So this "mod" did not stop camming me. I decided to kill my video feed to feel a bit more comfortable and when he/she persisted in pulling up my mic I confronted him about it, he/she banned me. Banning me with the message "Be nice when you're in my house".

    I don't like being watched when the people watching are invisible and possibly have their cocks in thier hands... that's creepy lame. Why would you employ peeping tom mods who act like children and can't just let people enjoy the site without some bullshit like this? Isn't this site supposed to be for all of us? I didn't come in there to start trouble yet it seems the mod was just looking to show off his fancy admin powers. The only person he should have been moderating was himself.

    He's off cam for a reason. So why does he need to view mine? Think about it.

    This greenjeans dude obviously got off on fucking with me this morning, probably busted a big fat nut over it.... and for what? If you could lift this BULLSHIT ban (never would have happened had that jackass mod just left me alone) that would be great... as I said b4 I didn't come into this chat to socialize with childish, camless, power-hungry mods. Just wanted to chat with per without the prying eyes of some whackjob, whackoff mod like cremejeans.

    Now I know why he has big green stains in his jeans.

    Sincerely, nay
    (sorry i missed you guys in Ca, didn't get the memo)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    HELLA Nor Cal


    I agree with you, I have been on here WAY before the chat was video and 90% of you cats were not here. I for one fucking hate someone I dont know turning on my cam to view me. I say that watching someone on their video in the chat if you dont even know them or say "hey can i turn on your cam" is borderline voyeristic. It creeps me out, especially if that person is someone I dont even know.

    With that being said, I just deny the camera and mic when I enter the room if it is full of newbies. . . . .
    Respect gets respect.

  3. #3



  4. #4
    wosutahwpaeru Guest


    Dr Bud is not only a respected member of the site, but he is a chosen and welcome part of the site moderation

    if you trust bubble man and hillie you should be proxy trust the people bubbleman and hillie trust to maintain the integrity of the site

    coming to bubbleman's "living room" free of will and cost, because your preferred chat is down, only to disrespect the moderators he left to monitor and keep it in a manner of his preference

    absolutely classless

  5. #5


    All cams will be "Checked" by a Mod if they R in the room.
    to make sure there is no Porn,etc.....on the cam
    (Which there has been...manycam will let U show strange things)
    98% of ppl R not doing anything bad and your cam will be turned off as soon as we see that all is ...

    and Currsing @ that said Mod...on the audio provided for U by this site
    is a No no
    once again I will state the #1 chat rule
    "When in the Chatroom act as if U R in Bubblemans livingroom....ie if U would not do "Something" in front of Him or his Wife. Do Not do it in the ChatRoom"
    That would include swearing @ the Mod b4 U know whats goin on.
    Thank You
    "I can not save the World Alone.....it's gonna take Atleast 3 of us'
    Gratefully Deadicated to the My Dogs, and My Lady Mari Jane.
    "Qui me amat,.....amet et Canus meum"

  6. #6
    wosutahwpaeru Guest


    i love the thought of POWER tripping especially on L , musshies, not so much

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    City of Angels



    "Folks who have no vices have very few virtues."
    -Abe Lincoln

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    los angeles


    nay....stop being a crying bitch! we, at fmb, hate when our chat get's filled with unknowns like you everytime cc chat is down. that's the only time you're ever in here. if you dont like the mods rules, then you can sit at home alone and wait til your precious cc chat comes back online and stay the fuck out of our chat. i come here to hang and chat and puff with my buddies, not to run into a bunch of prima donnas crying about how cc chat is down so thats why they're here!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    HELLA Nor Cal


    woa! didnt know hella pervs were makin their way into chat, guess there is your answer nay. . . . .
    Respect gets respect.

  10. #10
    Cootie Guest


    lol....... wowzer.

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