You need ultra pure and contaminant free concentrates for the hot hit bowls, glass or quartz nails, titanium pads, and the like. Otherwise the physical bulk of the hash dirtys up the appliances at best, and at worst the hash does not vaporize completely. Not many people are able to produce hash that pure, tho it can be done. I have myself a few times produced some ultra fmcd that worked pretty well on my TI skillet set, but still dirtied it up after some usage.

For these reasons most find that on top of a screen is the best solution (convienient and efficient) for pure hash. If you want to try to avoid the taste of the screens, you could try; a hakko or phedor with a hot hit bowl, but again they get dirty fast; old school metal hot knife hits, or get a glass hot knife set, or TI hot knife set (I dunno if they exist or not); also titanium screens are available, which dont taste in the same way as stainless steel screens; we used to roll conical tubes, put a pin thru, light the bottom on fire to get it goin and have big bottle tokes; harder to do is dropping lil hits onto a burning shisha charcoal and hooting them off.

I'm sure there are a lot of alternative methods for smoking hash that I have left out or plain dont know about, but there are a few to get you started. Hope it helps.