I'm a medical marijuana patient. I recently got a 4 bag set of bubblebags and have used it about 4 times, so far.

I have already used up all of my secondary trim materials. Now I've only got quality bud left and I'm wondering if there is any advantage in processing quality bud through the bubblebag system? If I do a batch of quality bud through the bubblebags, would that bud batch have a greater yield than the trim batch?

How would you suggest I prepare the bud ahead of time? I assume grinding it would reduce particle size potentially contaminating the finer screens.

Since I'm down to just quality bud, would I be better off trying to do the dry sift technique instead of the ice and bubblebag approach?

When I get my bud it is already dried somewhat by my grower, so it is fresh, less than a month out of the ground, but it isn't like it was just taken down today? How many days or hours after harvest would make the best starting point for a.) bubblebag approach, and b.) dry sift approach?

I had called the Bubblebag office and nobody there had any experience to speak of. I left my name, number and email and have heard nothing from them and it's been about a month now.

Anxiously awaiting your valuable feedback, desperate to find a solution quickly, thanks so much for your time, Huh!