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YBG's Hash Experiments
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Thread: YBG's Hash Experiments

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    In the Frozen North of Canada

    Default YBG's Hash Experiments

    Being as this is a site dedicated to hash, I thot I'd do something novel, break away from reading all the glass posts, and actually make a post about hash. Lol.

    I've done dry runs, wet runs, various strains, mixed and seperate, trim, bud... even veg trim hash.... The only thing I could say for certain was that the fresh material made stickier (and meltier) hash. I decided to do a bit of an experiment, and photo document the whole thing so maybe someone else here could benefit from my learning. Here is the plan so far:

    I have 2 strains in this experiment; Sister M and Random Yukon Kush(ishness, kush-like anyway). I will take the same amount of each weighed fresh, divide into 2 equal portions, and freeze it all for 2 weeks minimum in a deep freeze (not a popsicle-mushy fridge freezer), process it the same way, and compare the results, along with photos for all of you to follow along on my experiments.

    Now I'm going to do my best to do and show everything exactly the same way, but lets face it, I'm a stoner, lol.

    The plan (as concieved in early November) is to do 4 batches of hash, with 2 mixes each (6 min then 15 min)

    So thats the basic idea, lets begin shall we?
    Last edited by YukonBikerGuy; 01-03-2009 at 02:10 AM.
    I am the Eggman, Coo Coo KaChoo

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008




  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    East Coast, USA


    sounds like an awesome experiment YBG. Can't wait to see updates. Thank God, a hash post!!! Haha

  4. #4


    sounds good yukon, lookin forward to results
    Before you ever make fun of an old person, consider that the alternative to old is, not old...
    and the only way to achieve not old, is not good

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    In the Frozen North of Canada

    Default First up is the RYK

    I trimmed up all the RYK, saved the top choicest buds for smoke, and saved the trim (for later runs) and a bowl of buds for this experiment.

    Last edited by YukonBikerGuy; 01-01-2009 at 10:09 PM.
    I am the Eggman, Coo Coo KaChoo

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    In the Frozen North of Canada

    Default On with RYK

    Started out with 2 equal piles of wet weight, 1 straight to the freezer, 1 to dry first then to the freezer. Thats the drying pile in the cardboard.

    I know everyone is going to ask 'what weight?'... my best stoner recollection is 132g wet weight in each pile, dried half ended up um... 48g? ish? lol
    Last edited by YukonBikerGuy; 01-02-2009 at 01:19 AM.
    I am the Eggman, Coo Coo KaChoo

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    In the Frozen North of Canada

    Default Cont...

    Here is a bag of frozen dry buds, going in for a 6 minute mix, nice and foamy.

    I am the Eggman, Coo Coo KaChoo

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    In the Frozen North of Canada

    Default more....

    Draining the 6 minute mix, and then I took photos of the bags as I pulled them (missed the 45 pic, stoner), so it's 220, 190, 160, 120,90,73,25 in the pics. Sorry for the last crappy photo, but you can get an idea of whats there.

    I am the Eggman, Coo Coo KaChoo

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    In the Frozen North of Canada

    Default the first batch hash....

    First pic: Dry material, 6 minute mix patties
    Second pic: Dry material, short and long mix run patties

    At this point, I was suprised (unexpected shocking suprise) that the first run returns were larger than the second runs', so before I chopped up the patties, I swapped the larger first run ones to the bottom section of the cardboard which had the larger squares. Sorry for the stoner confusion..... Puff puff pass....

    Third pic: Chopped up patties, with the first run on the bottom section of the cardboard

    I am the Eggman, Coo Coo KaChoo

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    In the Frozen North of Canada

    Default the dried hash

    So the hash dried for 3 or 4 days at this point. The pictures with the numbers at the top are the 15 minute run. The pictures with the numbers at the bottom are the first 6 minute run. I give the 25u away, so I just mixed it as you can see.

    I did weigh this batch (but not the next, you'll see why later), here are the results:

    I dont smoke the 190u and 160u, and sometimes not the 120u (I save it for cooking or whatnot)....

    first run 190u + 160u and second run 190u,160u,and 120u totaled 0.8g
    First run 120u = 0.8g
    First run 90u = 1.4g
    First run 73u = 2.6g
    First run 45u = 1.1g
    Second run 90u = 0.3g
    Second run 73u = 0.6g
    Second run 45u = 0.8g
    First run & Second run 25u combined totaled 0.3g

    Total yield = 0.8g of 'cooking' hash
    0.3g of 'give away' hash
    6.5g of smokeable hash, first run 120u was only ok, rest was quite good.

    So 7.6g recovered (I may possibly have had a miniscule tester pinch or 2 before it was dry )
    I am the Eggman, Coo Coo KaChoo

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