Hello everyone,
I just got the 5 gallon 8 bag kit a couple weeks ago and have been reading up on some threads in preparation for my first run. I have about 70 grams of dried leaf / trim, plus some stems I've saved up. This is from a plant that was harvested 8 weeks ago and the trim is all dry. The bud I've smoked from the plant is excellent, so I'm hoping for good results from this trim.
I read a post about processing dried trim and noted that you have to do things a little differently when dealing with dry material. I also read about someone getting to the last bags only to find no bubble, and I don't want to experience that just because I didn't process it correctly.
I'd like some of you experts to review the steps I'm planning to take, and respond to let me know if my plan should work. I have some questions along the way if you could answer them too, I'd really appreciate it. Here's how I'm planning to do the first run at this point:
1. Freeze the trim, stems, and the 5 gal bucket for 12-24hrs before hand
2.Add ice cold water to bucket above screen level of bags
3.Place trim into the water
4.Add enough ice to cover over the trim and them some
5.Allow it to sit for 15 minutes
6.Afte letting it sit for 15 minutes, stir quickly with a large mixing spoon by hand for 15 minutes. Questions: How long should it take to start seeing bubbles? If it doesn’t start to make bubbles when stirring by hand, should I start using an electric mixer to generate the bubbles?
7.Let it sit for 30 minutes
8.Pull out first bag and allow it to drain into remaining bags. Save the plant material to re-run it.
9.Pull the second bag and allow it to drain into remaining bags
10.Pull the remaining bags, allowing them to drain and saving the extract using the bowl method. The extract from different bags is saved in separate labeled piles on the pressing screen.
For the second and third to last bags, wash the bags inside the water of the remaining bag.
11.For the last bag, use the cinch and jerk method to quickly drain the bag.
12.Place the pressing screen on a dry towel and cover it with a dry towel. Roll over the towel gently with a wooden rolling pin.
13.Remove towel, open pressing screen and break apart resins onto clean thick cardboard. Separate resin into labeled piles on clean thick cardboard and break up the piles for even drying.
14. Place cardboard in dark, dry place. Questions, will the resin have much of an odor when drying?
If I want to run the plant material again, do I do it while it is still wet, or wait for it to dry, then run it again?
I think that pretty much covers it and I appreciate any help before I do this run.