The Bubbleman and Youkon Biker dude will probably be the ones to enlighten us as to find a solution to my problem. I started making ice-water extracted hash a few months ago and have had continuing and improving success with the help of your forum. I started out with some comercial 'high-grade' compressed Jamacian seeds and the plants my friend grew here in Costa Rica from them. First batch was ok but green so I abandoned the drill/paint mixer for a wooden spoon and went from 15 minutes to 12 minutes mixing time. I've made some good hash in many colors of beige to brown but none that's bubbled. Mine's dry by morning as I have it on top of the fridge, properly chopped on cardboard,which has a low ceiling over it allowing warm airflow. So my friend got some seeds from Holland and grew a beautiful 5' 6", 90 day wonder (Moby Hash) We trimmed and froze the heavily trich-laden trim and I 'processed' it in the bags and got some beautiful dark brown (semi-transparant) hash although most of the heads were only slightly amber to clear at harvest. I re-freezed the trim and did a rewash and noticed there were still many, many trich's still attached afterward! The first wash only yeilded about 1 1/2 % and the second was pretty green (over thrashed, even with the wooden spoon) with an even lower yeild. I use refrigerated water with ice that I make in bowls in the freezer from fresh well water and break it up into lots of big to small chuncks, and plenty of them, so I know its cold enough (I think). Any suggestions? I guess I could use the trim to make butter with the boiling and cooling method but I'd rather extract those trich's for the bowl. Also, what's the average yeild on say, 200 gr. of fresh-frozen trim of the exotic varieties like the 'Moby hash'? How long does the trim need to be frozen before extraction? Any and all help or advice will be appreciated, Thank you all! T-P