I'm new to this site, but I am very excited about learning about mini grows and bubble hash. I live in the southern USA in a state where it is less than comfortable to grow your own, so I am looking for ways to maximize my stealth and minimize exposure. I suffer from chronic pain due to a hip replacement and being hit by an automobile in a crosswalk in 2004. I am sure I qualify for medical cannabis usage in any of the states where MM is legal, but in my state it is not, so here I am to learn and unfold a new adventure in my life. I have been to Vancouver, but I never got to visit Bubbleman's place. I wish I had. I was there a week before my accident and made it to the New Amsterdam cafe and some of the more 'touristy' places, but had limited time to go everywhere I wanted. I hope to get back soon. Til' then I can keep up via this site.