I don't understand why blowers don't have sites with their product lines so that confusion can be kept at a minimum for everyone interested in their art.

What is making me ask this question was a dumb friend of mine was convinced that RooR was the *HIGHEST* quality glassmaker in the world and that nothing compared to it. When I tried telling him that companies like Sovereignty, Toro, Illadelph, etc. are on par if not in many cases above and beyond Roor pieces, he searched them online but found no sites (except for Illadelph's) to look at a full catalogue, and said that companies that only do custom jobs don't count (wtf?).

I just gave up with him, but the fact that most glassblowing companies don't have official websites was still buggin me.

Is there any reason the most you'll find from anyone is a profile on glasspipes or a myspace page?