hey all,

if you looked in the WTB section lately youll see i've been posting looking for lots of different types of tubes. I decided I wanted a new tube this summer and have been flustered when trying to decide. Im used to smoking out of my 7mm normal diffy to 13arm Toro. I purchased a Toro disc diffused to 13arm, and didnt like it very much, didnt like the chug of the disc and the water levels were annoying. I've owned a 7/13 Toro before but the bottom perc tree seemed fragile, and it did indeed break a mere two weeks after buying it, from me just setting it down...

My question to you FMB is what tube should I get? Im pretty set on getting either an SG or Toro, so only recommend those brands. I wish I could take a snap out of every kind of tube just so I know what I like, but I hope this will be an alternative with the vast glass collection everyone has.

Thanks in advance everyone, and if someone can find me the tube they suggest, PM me with the info, there might be a worked push bowl in your future if I end up buying it. Theres some incentive, so get to it FMB.

P.S. -- Mods, didn't really know where to place this, so feel free to move it if necessary.