So i wanted to start a post with a few of my favorite youtube links. stuff that just has had me laughing hard.I want to say this now, DO NOT POST ANYTHING WHERE PEOPLE DIE, OR GET INJURED BEYOND RECOGNITION. keep it clean, and fun.
I got a new one today thanks to pheno. i will put it up here as well.

So first off, saudi arabian street skaters, now this is nuts. they are basicaly just wearing sandels, check it out.

here again the saudi's this time flipping their jeep onto two wheels at a high speed

a saudi drifting video, its five minutes long but worth watching at least half way thru when he starts doing it on busy streets lol

here is some guys fishing in central america somewhere, as you can see they dont need rods lol
craziest fish video i have ever seen. ridiculously so..
also worth watching all the way thru, it gets the craziest right at the end lol

now this next one i just saw pheno link today. and man was i laughing. NOw this is about as much violence as we wanna see in these links ok guys. we will delete QUICKLY if this rule isnt kept. THey thought it would be a good idea to throw some gloves on this kangaroo and take it inside a studio for an interview. man stupid fucking people UNREAL


Bubble man

ps, let the linking begin..