Hey all,

So I took 7g of bud and 14g of trim leaves and decided to do a small test run with my Bubble Now. I just finished my very first medicinal grow, and the 7g of bud is the remainder from the first plant I cut down. Now that I've seen how nice the machine works, Im definitely going to run the buds, from both remaining plants I still have drying, next weekend.

I did two runs: 3-min and 9-min. In both runs I got no extract in the 160u bag, just in the 73u and 25u. I've attached pictures of all but the 73u @ 3-min; I've just finished it. hehe (Total full melt, amazing sweetness on the inhale and unfurls into a floral-meets-spice exhale. Hits the head before you finish exhaling.)

All hail Bubble Now...I'm a believer.

*strike gong*

*fade to black*

