Came home last Thursday to find my lights out . I'm 5 week into veg . Over the last few days I finally resolved the issue to be shoddy wiring in my attic . If I could show you the pictures of the mess of wirer nuts and crap just stuffed under the isulation w/o a box or anything it 's mazing we haven't burnt up in a fire ! And we have lived here for 8 years with it like that ...
Anyhow the lights at best they have had at least 12hours or more of light each day with that being a sporadic intervals . Light are fixed and wired PROPERLY at this time and for see no more issues .
In the meantime I need another 2 weeks of veg or more or that's what I had planned .
How far back has this placed my plants ? They do not appear harmed in any way . Or at this point would it just be hormonal and correct it's self in a few days and revert back to veg ?
I now need a much shower to wash the layer of insulation off and take a huge ripper . Thanks to my bro who came over and threw his weekend away to save US and the girls .
Next house I will trace EVERYTHING from my lights to my breakers first !
Much love ~~~