Quote Originally Posted by Grais View Post
You guys know that the Bubblenows are just Chinese apartment washers right ? Go google it right now, mini washing machines. Then select images, and youll see the Bubblenow.
You get em a lot cheaper if you just buy them as the apartment washer. If your really serious just use a washing machine, you can buy them a lot cheaper than some plastic POS made in China.
225.00 and 600.00 dollars, my god you hash heads are dumber than posts.
You can buy a regular washing machine for 600.00 dollars for christs sake. Made of metal.
What a joke. They can justify this shit however the fuck they want, the truth is they are fleecing people like no tommorow. And the whole time playing on this medical marijuana line, bullshit,THESE PEOPLE ARE DOING THIS FOR THE MONEY.

Nylon bags for hundereds of dollars just how stupid are people, just make me laugh and laugh and laugh. If they were so caring about the community why lie and import thousands of these machines into BC, and sell them as some gimicky Bubblehash maker. I even read some guy talking about their 'quality control', I almost pissed myself.
what a fucking joke, You want to know what their 'quality control' is?

'Quality Control' is taking the label from China off, and putting a new label made by Bubbleman, and increasing the price by several hundered percent. Then they send it out, that is quality control.
Thats business.

If you cared so much about the 'community' why not just tell people what you found, machines that can help you make bubble, rather than capitalizing on it like some FAT PIG.

I guess when you got unlimited money from growing dope, you can afford to be dumb as fuck.
What really makes me laugh is that I know all you fucks think your so special and different, living off the grid right, subversive as fuck, fuck the system, and really your just sheep like the rest of the masses, being led around by some idiot with a bong.
What a joke you all are.

This post will be deleted within the hour I would imagine, your all suckers.

Heres a shitload of Bubblemachines to choose from, you can even buy the Bubblenow, the exact machines they use, cool eh.


I think someone needs some

probably been puffin on too much