Hey guys
I recently found out that I can get access to a 2X6 closet space to grow in. This will be my first indoor grow so I have quite a few questions
It will be behind locked doors.
I have 25 Sour 60 (65 day autoflowering strain) that I am wanting to grow this summer.
How many mature plants can I fit in this space?
Also I am thinking of using 2 400 W MH bulbs with reflectors. Will I be able to fit that in the space? Is it overkill?
Im also wondering about ventilation. I am planning on building a large growbox/cab out of plywood/caulking etc. paint the inside flat white, and grow in there inside the closet.
Smell is an issue so Im assuming Ill need a carbon scrubber. Any recommendations based on my size? Also where would the exhaust have to go? Could I just vent it into the closet? I dont really want to cut any big holes in the walls/ceiling.
Im pretty sure what soil and nutes I will be using but am open to any suggestions on a nute lignup.
Also with these 400 watt bulbs can I just plug them into a 3 prong outlet as long as Im sure they wont blow the fuse?
Anyone have a good shopping list I could look at? I have a good hydro store near me but would like to get printouts from online because they do online price matching and I'd like to figure out what exactly I need.

Thanks and if you have any suggestions etc. throw them at me!
Anything and everything is appreciated!