Just curious on how much dry sift different people use to add flavor to their melty bubble?

I have tried different ammounts from 20-40%, but I find some strains keep the flavour through water extraction while others don't have any flavor in the pure gland grades.

I have a few grades of unknown plant-matter so I reckon I'd just mix the best qualities with each other and add some dry sift of unknown origin to the batch as well. I'm trying to make a fine lump of tasty hash for christmas and won't be too bothered with assuring it stays full-melt, but rather regular gooey hash. I'll most likely press it or knead it. (Whether I should use 120 gands or just 90-70 and 45 I dunno yet, so I'd like input on this also).

-As a matter of fact I prefer vaping my melty hash, or mix it with weed/tobacco. This is probably considered blasphemic by some, but that's how I'm conditioned to use hash (as it's how we woud do it since I was a 12-year od kid and the only herbal cannabis available came from people travelling or the immature outdoors- or inferior fluoro-buds we could pull through from bagseeds ourselves....)
Although some kinds are good for toking pure, even though I never seem to get a fullbodied thick smoke when toking pure essences... -Any good tips on indulging the real melty stuff pure guys?!?)

Thanks for any contributions.