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Transporting Full Melt?
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Thread: Transporting Full Melt?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Transporting Full Melt?

    So, Im planning a trip to jamaica in two months and would like to make some full melt while im there. Some to enjoy, some to hopefully bring back.

    Anyone have any ideas on ways to transport back bubble hash... besides all of the "peanut butter jar" or "coffee can" ideas. Im looking to do something a little more original (and successful). I figure that bubble hash is the best way to bring back a souvenir, especially since bubble hash has very little smell since the turpentines should be filtered out. Also, since thc isnt water soluble I could make a suspension of sorts in almost any liquid as long as it doesn't contain fat/alcohol. THC in the coke bottle then filtered out once im back home?

    Just food for thought, Im sure its being done out there I just would prefer not to have to "trial and error." Any advice on the matter would be GREATLY appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Good call on the drink idea

    Possibly some kind of tea bottle? With enough hash in there water would look pretty tea-like

    I don't know much but I don't think it would be prudent to put it in ANYTHING besides water.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    i've heard of people hollowing out candles back in the day. not sure how well that would work for you but it's an idea.

    i like your drink idea, it's pretty crafty.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Hmm... I like the tea idea... To my knowledge THC is only dissolved in alcohol and fat based substances. There have been quite a few studies done toward the use of medical marijuana and its application. Typically water soluble medicines are much easier to administer whether it be iv or ingested oraly which is why smoking is still the BEST method
    As long as its done prior to pressing the crystals it should stay in a suspension in whatever the liquid is. I plan on trying a few test runs to get it to work.
    The reason I chose the soda bottle as the first resort is its a much darker liquid to mask any particles and it is carbonated so that if i carefully open it without breaking the plastic seal, I could reseal the bottle without anyone else being the wiser. Who would suspect an un-opened 2 liter of cola holding an oz of hash?

    I feel fairly confident that as long as I do the packaging in a sterile environment it should work. My issue is not necessarily the process itself, its creativity in coming up with a method that would leave no suspicion.

    HA! I bet i could probably even mix it with sand and send it back by mail with some shells!! With a lb of ganja going for $150 in jamaica, can't hurt to try. Maybe even show the locals how its done, make Jamaica the mecca of bubble.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Hard to say really> I have always dreamed about bringing some home, but never bothered> seems like something thats only to be enjoyed in jamaica.
    However thats not to say you shouldnt try.
    The ultimate guaranteed way is swallowing it, but thats pretty hardcore.
    I would say any number of ways, but i'd hate to offer them up here, and ruin someone who's currently using it, ( as talking about such things in public forums, is often a way of giving up good secret methods...)
    good luck either way.

    Bubble man

    Ps, would love to see some shots of your jamaican bubble experience's.

  6. #6


    toothpaste tube.......straw........melt goes in straw. burn ends closed. into toothpaste tube. it works 70 percent of the time all the time.lol
    its like killing a unicorn.....with a bomb.PE
    SteveSmokeyJones: then make her get a job at dennys while you chill

  7. #7
    sog army's Avatar
    sog army is offline Whole Plant Hash Maker : clear dome hash maker
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    the toothpaste idea.. is an old prison trick.. It may still work...

    And as far as bringing a soda through customs.. Good luck...they make u throw everything in the trash before you clear us or jamacian customs...

  8. #8


    my buddy flew from ca to fl with an eight of hash hanging from his neck as a necklace. no one asked a thing. why dont you just mail it back? if its small amounts you can use some of the common seed shipping methods.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    los angeles


    vacum seal it and crotch it! make sure no other paraphanalia is on your person or in your luggage. they would have to be really desperate to feel you out for it!

  10. #10


    im with razz on this, vac seal, wrap paper, an vac again, then crotch it.
    Before you ever make fun of an old person, consider that the alternative to old is, not old...
    and the only way to achieve not old, is not good

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