I think there is no right or wrong here, both methods of growing have there pro's and con's. I mean, if pure natural organic taste is everything, well than soil is deftly the way to go. But there is nothing wrong with paying your bills either, and if that is the issue hydro is the way to go. It's cleaner and easier to keep a more consistent feeding regiment as the plant grows. Soil is dirty. and can be a lot of work(try carrying 15 bails of dirt up 3 flights of steps) a case of rockwool is a bit more easy.
I have a question, after a grow with soil do you throw out your soil ?
that's nuts if do, a little expensive huh , and if you got 50 or more pots, not a little bit of work. And if you do reuse soil do you amend it again with more organic nuts like guano,castings,bone meal ?
How much more do you add ?
How do you know how much you plants just used out of the old soil ?
With hydro you wash some rocks, wet some rockwool and you got a clean slate to start off with. That can be very important issue when there are hard earned dollars at stake.
Honestly I would like to here back on this issue.

And stop the bashing of growing hydro and advanced nutrients, yes some of the stuff they sell is bullshit but some of there products are really good. And they do a lot for advancing the whole cannabis growing industry.
Some people don't have the convenience of putting pure organics ahead of everything else. Although that is a very important aspect to consider.

peace, Dee189