Then another officer in full uniform with a gas mask entered and started cutting the veg plants. Meanwhile,the wire following hydro guy and the head cop from the front door went to check the flower room. Me, the other hydro dude and the animal control lady waited near the back door. She looks at the garbage bags by the door and her face drops, "Is that all bud?". No, used dirt I laughed. The guys come out of the flower room,"Man never seen one like that before. Lotta empty space in there". I was like sounds like you are trying to pigeon hole me into a wrong category. "Where's the CO2?" Again I say you are trying to pigeon hole me. I was like what are you folks going to do when cannabis is legal. The head dude say, "Oh they will always have work for me." Wire chaser says, I am gonna grow weed everyone will. I say, well not everyone makes booze and its legal. I then turned to them, "I bet you all drink booze, huh?" Again I see shame. They say you should get a med grow going, you seem to be good at what you do and you will be safer. I said I doubted being legal would mean I would be safer. I mean booze and alcohol are legal and you almost never hear of anyone stealing that shit. LOL.