Originally Posted by
Kif it Kunta
Anhedonia - don't give up! I know you can produce excellent quality dry sifted hash..try the following dry sifting method with your Bubble Box....also check out other dry sifting threads here at fmb.com...and I'm sure you will get there.
Probably the easiest way to get melty dry sift is to do two "runs", the first for quality (melty) and the second run for quantity (to remove all the resin heads from the material)....lets deal with the quality run, the aim is to separate about 10% ~ 20% of the resin on the material on this first run through, this should be done gently with bud that is dried, cured and properly stored for several months or more for best results.
Remove the three mesh frames from the Bubble Box, as they are easier to work with that way.
Lightly grind or break up frozen buds over the top screen, a few grams at a time.
Use a massage vibrator on the side of top of the frame or tap the side or top of the frame with a padded drum type stick or simply pick up the frames and use a very gentle horizontal oscillating action for a minute or so.
Lift up the top frame, and over a container, plate or tray you have nearby, up turn the frame and tap the wooden frame a few times to remove the lightly sifted material and then lightly grind another few frozen over the top mesh and repeat.
Once you have worked the material, use the Bubble Box card to scrape up all the powder that has fallen through the top mesh onto the second two meshes and put this on the top mesh that has previously been tapped out upside to make sure it is clean.
Use vibration with carding, tapping, oscillations or carding until about 3/4 of the kif has passed through the top mesh.
With a 20x or 30x magnifying glass check out the stuff that remains on top of the mesh, this should be mostly non-active stalks and broken up plant matter with a small % of resin heads.
You can resift the fall through again through the top mesh, monitor your progress with a magnifying glass, but make sure you stop before you add more contaminants to the lower meshes (it's best to not allow the crap in rather than try to remove it later which is why a vibrating stack of frames alone won't produce great quality dry sift) A magnifying glass is an asset to the dry sifter.
Remove the top frame and set it aside.
Use a combination of vibration with scraping a card over the second mesh until about 3/4 has passed through this second mesh screen. Repeat this again, making sure to up turn the screen frame and tap it several times to clean it, then scrape up the dry sift on the 3rd mesh and resift it on the second mesh frame until about 3/4 has passed through again.
Now that the resin is sitting on the third mesh, use a combination of vibration and a plastic card screed the resin to and fro over the mesh. The round shaped resin heads larger than 70 micron will remain about the mesh, the bits of leaf and stalks will eventually get broken up by the carding action and will pass through this third mesh screen. This takes more time than all the other steps put together.
Keeping working the resin over the third mesh until about 20% ~50% has passed through the mesh while monitoring your progress with a magnifying glass.
The stuff that passes through will be mostly non-active stuff with some small trichomes. The resin that stays above the mesh will, depending on your technique and the quality of the starting material, be mostly resin heads and will bubble and melt.
and once that's done, rework the material through the box to separate all the remaining resin heads. I usually grind the material more finer and card it through the top two meshes several times...resifting while monitoring your progress with a mag glass will improve this rough kif into decent quality hash that will form into a solid with thumb in palm pressure....it's my opinion that if loose dry sift won't form into a solid form with just thumb pressure then there's too much rubbish in there and not enough resin heads.
There's a lot of satisfaction from producing and inhaling hash with such purity. A pea sized amount of this loose resin powder that you've cleaned over the 70 micron mesh will give an excellent buzz that will hard hit your forehead and warm your ears and will be 15 times cleaner for your lungs than the bud it came from. Since this resin is so pure you can inhale and hold it longer than bud, much like vaping.
The best thing about smoking quality dry sift is that you will wake up in the morning feeling fresh and clean, not hung over from inhaling lots of hay which you get from burning bud.
A good way to use your mag glass is to scoop up a little bit of material or resin on the Bubble Box card and hold it close to a light and then check it out.
Happy Hashing!