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Thread: Experimenting with Salvia Divinorum

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Experimenting with Salvia Divinorum

    A while ago a friend told me about this plant . He was getting extracts at a local head shop and told me about this mind blowing experience he had .
    I figured , I loved LSD , local mushrooms , and any other way to alter my perspectives . So I looked into it , googled ,youtube ect... Youtube kind of freaked me out as quite a few had videoed their short Salvia trips and some looked really bizarre .
    So being the guy I am I didn't want to fool with someone else's extracts . Answer ? Grow my own and go from there .
    Still hadn't tried the stuff .
    My plants arrived as it is legal in some states still . One plant died shortly after I got it as I was away on vacation and my wife has no idea how to grow a thing .
    Told her not to throw it away though , because I wanted the leaves .
    I want to start out slow and get a feel for what my experience is going to be so I crumbled up 2 of the smaller leaf .I load it into my inline and drew a good ol ripper . Hold for 10 sec or so (smoke is smooth) exhale and a nice visual of super balls bouncing everywhere . Cool I think to myself ...... Second hit to finish it off . More super balls.... but then I got the very strange feeling like my Mom was going to come home and catch me doing something wrong ?? I haven't had that feeling since I was 17 WTF ?? That was 4 weeks ago .
    Yesterday I decide it is time to ramp up my experience .This time 4 leaves .
    This time I sat on the couch and turned on the tunes . Whipped out my trusty inline , cleared my head and dove in .
    First hit , more super balls . Second hit . Cleared the bowl , held it in and closed my eyes and laid back . All of a sudden (I love how that goes down) I start to feel like it is summer , I'm pouring sweat , and I truly feel like I am a ice cube and melting fast ! I think to myself , your just trippin it'll be over in a sec . Then I had the feeling again like I was going to get caught doing Salvia , this time by my friends wife ....WTF ! This stuff gives me some strange thoughts ! I then get up with my inline in hand and promptly drop my slide in the sink ! Crack ! Bummer .
    Now I haven't had the whole mind bending hallucinogenic experience .... yet .
    Kind of sacred of the whole OBE I have seen in others . I have had in the past OBE while in deep meditation . Though it has been a long long time .
    My experiment goes on .... wish me luck .
    Any advise to a old head in a new trip ?
    Much love .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Salvia is pretty crazy, unlike anything else, must be very careful with it, especially if you are going to be trying the extracts.

    Alot of people will try and downplay how hardcore the experience can be, but i have seen it do alot of fucked up things to many different people, but i have also seen and personally enjoyed experiences with it. It can be wild.

    I would recommend looking into making quids, its how the plant was used originally.

    Honestly if you are determined to smoke the extract for real try DMT if you never have.

    It is much more pleasurable and easier on your mind and body.

    Salvia seems to make me feel kindof dirty afterword, it can make you whole body or only parts of it feel like it has fallen asleep, all tingly and weird.

    My opinion mostly,

    But do be cautious, it can make you "wig" out and move around while you remain unaware of what is really going on. So the stuff about having a sitter is more serous than with any other drug. NO BULLSHIT TRUST ME

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    have fun and safe travels!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Sounds like you are respectful of the plant and its abilities. The feeling of anxiousness is something salvia can bring on. I like to be in extremely no worry situations when I do salvia. I always have a person with me, but I prefer they do their own thing rather than pay attention to me ( i do not like to be expected to interact while on salvia ). A nice meadow in the woods would be a good place to experiment, someplace secluded where nobody would ever show up and no phones ringing etc...

    And be careful with that glass man! Salvia is a reason to break out that old acrylic graffix from junior high days!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I always have a person with me, but I prefer they do their own thing rather than pay attention to me ( i do not like to be expected to interact while on salvia ). A nice meadow in the woods would be a good place to experiment, someplace secluded where nobody would ever show up and no phones ringing etc...

    And be careful with that glass man! Salvia is a reason to break out that old acrylic graffix from junior high days!
    Very sound advice

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Let me tell you in my experience salvia does seem to have a feeling that "something else" is influencing you in many different ways too but of course the best way to fully experience a good trip is first off the salvia itself which should be grown as best possible if not extracted and/or purchased from a head shop once you have that you should be in a nice comfortable setting with dim lights and such while taking preferably one to two fat bong tokes but let me tell you be careful on the higher extracts and try not to get scared easy the ride can get crazy bumpy other that have an open mind and enjoy your trip oh also i believe salvia actually closes some receptors in your brain as opposed to opening them so it would cause different effects then normal drugs

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    great white north


    ive growqn salvia from cuttings from hawaii then made my own 5x or so it was to intense for me to enjoy it. all people i know that have tried it exceptr one have had intense strange experiences.. ill stick with more traditional highs but to each their own!!

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