Another pic don't know Why it doesn't let me upload more than but anyways here's another one lol
Another pic don't know Why it doesn't let me upload more than but anyways here's another one lol
Another one
smells like gasoline... I am not touching this one...
"Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." -Bob Marley
I have found a bunch of the 45 micron stuff has a petroleum like profile. Peace GS
Changing the color of cannabis one grower at a time.
Green supreme thanks for taking the time and replying to my question yes your right I have found that the smaller stuff tend to be more petroleum is that why it stays lite like a candle wick I can't smoke cause of my asthma but I like to have edibles but my wife doesn't like the taste the 90 micron did bubble and she said she felt buzz for a little while but last night she tried the 72 micron and it did bubble only when I compressed it and it basically didn't do anything to her she ended up smoking a joint lol and the taste of the 72 was fuel like and it stayed lite
Volatile oils make it flame. Peace GS
Changing the color of cannabis one grower at a time.
Are you letting it dry for 3-7 days before smoking? Kind of seems like a starting material issue. My bubblenow always produces the best hash I have ever came across. This is a process it will propably take you a few times to dial in the procedure to exactly the product you are looking for. I recommend using 4 bags instead of 8 but thats just my preferred method. I tend to only use 220, 160, 73 & 25. 73 gives me sexy melts and always fresh frozen trim.
that hash all looks hella green. Just how high quality is the material you are using? A pic perhaps of an example? Are you making sure to freeze it before working on it? Also make sure to give your mixture several minutes to half an hour to soak before running the machine particularly if the material is very dry. If you are trying to run a 5 gal size load in the 20 gal machine, know that you will need a considerable amount more ice to keep the mixture as cold as it needs to be to produce melt. Bottom line if your starting material is good enough, the potential for melt is there and all you have to do is understand the basic principles that create melty bubble. All this machine is doing for you is creating gentle consistent agitation so you don't have to worry about your mixing techinique. Everything else is down to you and it is possible to get crappy bubble out of good material with this (or any) machine if you don't do other things right
wow just saw in your other thread "trim from trimmers" and I am 95% sure the green ness and lack of melt is due to mechanically generated trim being used. I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure when bubbleman said he got good results from spinpro trim it was when dry buds were put into it and it looks like you did yours fresh which would most definitely rupture alot of the good trichomes splattering their inner oil all over, and introduce a bunch of small chlorophyll rich small plant material that would for sure turn what could have been stellar bubble completely green. My advice is hand trim if your gonna trim straight from harvest or allow your buds to dry at least 75% before final trimming with the spinpro (remove fan leaves when fresh). Good luck!