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Thread: Fullmelt seeds

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Default Fullmelt seeds

    I’m new to the site but have been involved with the medical marijuana community of several years now. I am a huge fan of the full melt. I have several strains that are up to task but I am always looking for more. I have been spending a lot of money on seeds trying to make a collection of full met strains. Lately the seeds I have been receiving in the mail are falling short of the full melt goodness. Even ones that are on the list of full melt strains. 3 of my 4 full melt strains were acquired in clone forum. The only one from seed is Brothers Grimm Apollo 11. None of the seed I been ordering come in breeders pack, and quality has been poor. So finally my questions. Which seed ordering web site is most creditable, and if going to Vancouver witch stops to make to buy seeds. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    los angeles


    oh yeah? which seed company's have been falling short of your expectations? there is a specific reason i ask. thanks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Well first off with Kind Seed. Seeds came packed in green house paneling and labeled with a marker. Only one of three orders came, all orders were placed at the same time. The seed company was Next Generation seeds, we had iss, blueberry punch, Diablo, and romulan. The ISS and the romulan’s best plants did produce some full melt but nothing near what I’m used to getting. Everything was lacking in the flavor department. From the Seeds Boutique I received GHS-Arjan Haze, MAG-Warlock, SER-White Russian, and THSeeds Sage N sour. Again nothing compared to the strains I all ready have. My last order from green life seeds, Has not made it yet and it’s been 5 weeks. I’ll hopefully be trying some strains from VISC, Next Gen and the BC seed company. Also if any knows witch company sells the BC Hashplant aka the champagne.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Beautiful BC


    whats these numerous fullmelt strains youve aquired sofar
    A tree is a tree...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    los angeles


    champagne was only available in clone form.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    You can never go wrong with Mr Nice seed co. super silver haze.

    I have been wondering how Serious Seeds' bubblegum strain would do for hashmaking?

  7. #7


    My favorite strains to use for fullmelt goodness is TGA jacks cleaner,TGA and jack the ripper,and my trainwreck cut.
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  8. #8


    trainwreck cut=good

  9. #9
    pqrs222 Guest

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Colorado, Elevation: 7900/5003 feet


    i am pretty sure this guy is a spammer. and all his posts are the same
    M.A.N. Glass Art

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