Before some years ago LED Grow Lights are not have good result but from last year HP4S Grow lights inproved and made powerful grow lights to produce better results when cultivating cannabis.
For those interested in getting cannabis grow lights for the first time, you're trying to choose the best marijuana grow light for your setup and needs. if you plan to growing marijuana outdoors, the sun is generally all the light you need to grow your own weed. When growing outdoors, your marijuana needs to grow in a sunny spot.
Cannabis plants cannot grow without light. Marijuana lighting is one of the most basic needs of all cannabis plants. Horticultural lighting systems allow you to growing your cannabis plants indoor which is equivalent to sunlight. They grow faster in these kind of hps lighting as there is no night always feel like sun.
HP4s is providing specific light required by marijuana for growing plants. If there is insufficient light in the grow room, the cannabis plants will often grow tall and thin. Cannabis plants require less than twelve hours of light per day.
High Power 4s offers full support to our clients to ensure their grows are the most productive with reducing extra costs of electricity and other expenses. Contact us via Phone or email for the more details or you can visit our website.
Last edited by Jan harvey; 09-29-2014 at 06:52 PM.
You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming.