
Wiping the leaves by hand everyday seems to be keeping the mite population to a minimum. Will be harvesting in two weeks; hopefully the buds are mite and caterpillar free!... and mold free.

On a side note.
The two plants that were stressed the most have the best buds. One plant had a branch broken early in its life and bugs were using the wound as a home. I later split the man branch down the middle on accident whilst training. I covered the split with tape for a few days to shield from the light and the plant just kept growing.

The other plant was a clone that had a deep gash. The main stem was basically 1/4 to 1/2 the size it should have been. The plant could barely hold itself up. The wound almost fully healed over now and the plant is comparable in size despite the slower growth early on. This plant has the nicest buds

The last plant was attacked by the spider mites more which, I think, is why the plants buds are smaller.