Well this is my first bubblebag post on the new site, and im pretty exicted, i was gonna start off with the BUBBLENOWXL post, but i will show people that it is indeed still possible to produce full melt bubble, using a hand mixer. Now this batch was made last summer, so its a little old, as i do not use hand mixers any more since i've had the bubblenow's in stock> but i figured it would be nice to show the method using a hand mixer as many still use this method. I was lucky this day, as my buddy had just cropped out, and brought over almost two lbs of delicously well cured nugget. I have to admit i was pretty surprised he was into throwing all that bud in, as here in bc, it was easily worth 2900 plus per lb. But Razz isnt much into the money aspect of growing bud as much as he's into the BUBBLE ASPECT. so lets get this show started shall we...
So he brought over like i mentioned about two lbs of herb. Here is the shot of the bucket, with the herbs sitting out in front of the bucket.getting ready to work
the bags hanging anxiously awaiting to be put into the bucket and worked
how the bud showed up
a little ice for the project, i prefer to use homemade ice, but i didnt have it in stock this particular day so we bought store bought ice. its just not as good as good ole fashion home made stuff, for a few reasons, the ice is chipped, so it melts faster, and it often contains fluoride which also makes it melt faster. anyway it'll do in a pinch, you'll see
So we start buy putting all our bags inside the bucket, for those of you that have never done this, the order is, 25u purple bag first, this is the smallest finest screen size, so it should go in first, so the hash collects in it LAST.
Next we will put the 45uWHITE bag in, followed by the 73u yellow bag, followed by the 90u black bag, followed by the orange 120u bag, followed by the green 160u bag, and if your using a 190u REd bag, and finaly the work bag, 220 BLUE bag. ONce all the bags are tightly fit inside one another and you can fill the bucket up with cold water, ICE and the materials> Today we are using twenty gallons, so use LOTS of ice. The ice is key to this process. it not only freezes the wax membrane on the outside of the gland head, it also helps break it free from its plant body prison. ONce it breaks free it can sink down ( because of its density it is still affected by gravity even in water) and collect in the appropriate size screen.
We are using a small hand mixer for this batch and as you will see at the end, it hasnt affected our quality much at all. This is all about how well you mix> I keep the mixer medium and i realy move it all around the bucket> The material floats in the top 8 inches or so of the bucket, so its good to have plenty of ice, as its the ice that will smash back and forth hitting more ice, and more ice, until you are basicaly moving around the entire mixture. Do not attempt to place the mixer on a board or jerry rig it so its sitting in the middle of the bucket, you realy want to move that mixer all around the bucket. This insures you are getting a good mix on> Its more important to move it around than it is to have some HUGE drill mixing on full.
while we were mixing, we played around a little with the bubblebox, figured a little dry sift would go down nicely while we were waiting for the full melt to drop.
throw a couple of buds on top of the top screen, break it up with a grinder...
and start collecting some yummy dust...
we mixed for about 10 minutes on this batch, but while it sits for 20 to 30 settling, we move around the mixture every so often with a spoon, to keep any gland heads from getting trapped in the bud filled mixture
Once we are done settling, we simly remove the blue bag from the bucket. DUmp the herbs out ( if you are keeping them for cooking you will want to dry them properly this can be a pain in the ass, so we just tossed the material off my deck lol)
We then IMMIDIATELY i cannot stress this enough guys, RINSE the bag out thorougly. This will insure your bags last as long as you will be needing them> they are a quality product, but will be ruined fairly easily if you do not follow this important step> They can mold much like a tent that is put away wet, if you dont clean them and dry them properly
Next we pull our contaminant bags i see in this batch i didnt put a 190u bag in so both catch bag grades will go into the 160 green bag. We pull this bag, and often i toss the bubble if it looks realy bad, or i wll collect it and place it on cardboard along with the other grades, even if just to give away to friends who cook with hash.
Now we get to our first bag worth keeping. The 120u bag. the largest of the heads that are smokeable,
slowly pull that bag up out of the bucket...
See some lovely trichome glands sitting on the screen for collection.
I didnt get a photo of what i do next, so i will just explain> I scrape out the bubble with a spoon or a flat scraper. Gently placing it on top of the my pressing screen and pressing out any excess water. this will get it properly ready for laying on cardboard for the drying process. ( photos at the end of this thread)
Now we come to the black bag, our newest addition to the bubblabag family , the 90u.
Because the 120 bag may be hard to clean you can flip it inside out and rinse the resin into the 90u bag. this will save valuable gland heads from being rinsed away. also once you are done rinsing the bag inside the bucket, use cold water and rinse the 120u out again so its ready for hanging and drying.