There is no "welcome back". Look at your responses to me. All I did was point out how rude you all have been to someone who was seeking your help... And look how you all responded. Way to prove me right. You people make me laugh. I would toke BHO over FMCD JUST BECAUSE of the effect it apparently has on people (turning them into punk ass cocky ass bloggers.) I wonder if you all are assholes to strangers like this in real life. Im glad I don't live on a website like you people. The real world is waaaaay better. FUCK FMB and your shitty ass underdesigned, untested washing machine. By the way, generic mesh bags that are available online work just as well, if not better as Bubble Bags and cost less than half. And yes, this comparison has been tested by growers that own both the BubbleBags and the generic mesh bags. Go fuckin figure.